Got something special in your garage to sell?
SEVEN82MOTORS offers sellers a unique auction and marketing platform, specialising in cars that need to be showcased in detail and profiled, giving their cars the opportunity to be represented in the best possible way and get the best results.
We facilitate all the vehicle detailing including underbody detailing and have four qualified mechanics and car builders in the lower level of our building in the 782 Garage. They can assist with pre-sale engine bay detailing, mechanical and vehicle preparation, keeping it simple for our sellers to present their vehicles as best as possible.
Our in-house photographer and videographer then shoots a comprehensive and detailed photo and walk through video shoot for our marketing team to use in advertising your car on our auction platform and across social media channels to drive the best achievement out of the market… So we offer much more than just the sale of a vehicle.
We are located at 2 Palings Court, Nerang on the Gold Coast in Queensland, approx 20mins North of the Coolangatta airport and an hour South of the Brisbane airport in our pretty damn spectacular building.
This is not a facility anyone can just walk into any time and is strategically only open whilst the cars are in auction, on show, in event and able to be bid on. A typical Saturday Show Day see’s 2-3000 people through the gates alone, our social media and online presence is dominated by our inhouse marketing team with a focus on all of Australia and the American and European markets for applicable vehicles.
All this provides the ultimate stage and marketing platform to service the Australian collector car market.
This is a unique and exceptional platform and it is our job to build the best auctions we can, vehicles are selected for auction at our discretion. If you have something special in the garage and would like to engage our team to professionally market your vehicle to the whole of Australia and beyond, please fill out the form in the link below and get your application in today.
Part 1: Show us what ya got!
Contact Us
Still have questions?
Call us on 0482 782 782 to chat about the process and find out how we can help sell your vehicle.